Homes of Humana – where innovation never stops.

When feeding your baby, you want 100% safety. That is why we at Humana treat baby food with the utmost care. In our three modern production sites our food specialists turn the essence of all our knowledge into recipes that optimally support your child’s development.

We do our best every day.

Whether it be infant milk, infant food or food supplements, every day we give our best so that you can give your child the best. No matter what challenges everyday life brings, with Humana you always have the right solution. So you can simply trust your experience as a mom or dad — and enjoy precious happy moments with your baby.

Infant milk made in Strückhausen - where we give infant formulas a safe home.

In 2019 we opened our new state-of-the-art infant milk factory in Strückhausen in northern Germany. Here, in the middle of the natural environment with little more than grass, cows, farms and just a few people, our plant is located directly where our main precious ingredient — the milk — is produced. Microorganisms multiply quickly — meaning that every hour saved between milking the cow and processing that milk is precious.

Discover our Infant Milk

Take a look inside our state-of-the-art production site.

In our milk centre of excellence, we produce our infant milk at the highest levels of food safety, hygiene, and sustainability. Strückhausen is a production site with a rich history that we rebuilt to meet the highest standards and to instate the most innovative production processes.

Our new factory in northern Germany

Infant formulas are very complex and demand processing of a multitude of components. That is why we handle our products with the utmost care. We value food safety, hygiene and sustainability above everything else.

Our hygiene concept is much stricter than what is legally required, with lab tests checking numerous parameters of our products. We regularly check raw materials, finished products, water, equipment, hygiene and even the air in the factory*. Before, within, and after milk processing, up to 600 tests ensure the highest levels of safety and hygiene. 

Throughout processing, we rely on environmentally friendly technologies that save important resources for the world of tomorrow. For example, we reuse water that is drawn from the milk during the production process for flushing out valves, pumps and mechanical seals.

To achieve all this we made a huge investment of millions of euros — and created around 200 jobs in a structurally weak, rural region. This investment is a promise: for us, Strückhausen is not only one of the most modern infant-milk production facilities, but an important step into the future.

*in accordance with legal requirements

Infant food made by Sunval Baby Food: with 100% organic quality

Every child is a miracle of nature — and we are convinced that to support your child’s natural development you need to provide them with the best nutrition. In order to get this quality, we do our 100% best every day in our Sunval Baby Food factory. 

Here, our nutritionists and food technologists utilise the latest knowledge from scientific studies and thereby ensure that all recipes are tailored to children’s development and needs. And for your little sunshine's benefit, we only use fruit and vegetables from controlled organic crops.

At the same time, securing an intact ecological, social, and economic system for future generations one of the essential goals of Sunval Baby Food.

Discover our Infant Food

We build our production on three pillars of sustainability, which include ecological, economic and social aspects.


We try to keep our ecological footprint as low as possible by saving water and electricity and re-using superfluous heat from our production processes.


To contribute to a functioning economy, we pay attention to economic sustainability by working transparently, acting responsibly and thinking long-term.


For us, it is not just about creating jobs, but also maintaining them with a great working atmosphere. We want to personally and professionally support our employees by guaranteeing equal opportunities for all.